Women's day to remain healthy- A reminder!

Women’s Day to remain healthy- A Reminder!

Why celebrate women’s day? Is celebrating women’s day all about being a feminist? What is different in being a woman? Is it necessary for a reminder on women’s day to remain healthy? Nowadays women do go out to work, they too can vote, they too can speak for their rights, they travel alone safely. There are thousands of discussions that have emerged from time to time. To be a woman is special, yes! Why? Because she has to suffer from bodily transformations from time to time. During the time of puberty girls who were once scared of watching blood have to bleed every month. Every woman who was once weighing relevant gains weight to provide home within her to a fetus. Every woman who was once conscious about her skin accepts the beauty of stretch marks. Every woman who was once taking care of her own body readily shares her nutrition to bring up her infant. Every woman who was once a daughter of her parents and taken care of shines to take care of all. Every woman gives up on estrogen and accepts bodily changes. These are the reason to celebrate Women’s day. These reasons are necessary to talk about her health on women’s day to remain healthy. Thus, hereby writing on the beautiful journey every woman goes through her life and when she should meet a guide.

Women’s day to remain healthy- A reminder!

Puberty Stage- to remain healthy

The period of puberty has come down to 11 years to 16 years. The changes do not spring at once, there occur continuous changes. These changes are listed below. Every girl experiences changes within her body. Every month bleeding is now part of her life. That how girls turn into beautiful women. These physiological changes are listed below-

  • Growth of the hair in underarms and pubic region.
  • Budding of the nipples.
  • Increasing breast size.
  • Vaginal white discharge.
  • Wide pelvis region.
  • Increase in height.
  • Weight gain and changing the shape of the body.
  • Menstrual cycle.
women's day to remain healthy

During this phase of life, parents are the guide and comfort for the conversation to their girls. Mothers should talk to their girls, allow conversations and address queries from their children. Mothers should be attentive about their girl’s mental and physical health as at this phase of life there occurs hormonal changes. Inform them about the physical changes which shall allow them easily to accept the changes. On Women’s day to remain healthy- we remind every girl and her mother about the various conditions they should be alert about—

  • Early puberty,
  • Intolerable menstrual pain,
  • Height issues,
  • Growth issues,
  • Irregular menstruation,
  • Acne,
  • Bone pains,
  • Mood swings.

Pregnancy Stage

Pregnancy is the miracle of the creator! Pregnancy is the natural physiological process that happens during the reproductive period of a woman’s life. The reproductive period starts from the onset (menarche) of the menstrual cycle to cessation (menopause) of the menstrual cycle. To deliver a healthy child a woman should be mentally and physically healthy.

The first trimester and the last trimester should be most taken care of. During the first trimester (1st three months) the egg gets implanted in the womb. Having a healthy implant in the womb is necessary for the proper development of the fetus. First three months of the pregnancy, there is the development of the organs and body parts of the fetus. Last three months, the fetus is developed fully and gains weight. During the pregnancy period, there occur these natural physiological changes like-

  • Morning sickness- vomiting,
  • Slight tenderness of the breast,
  • Increase in size of the breast,
  • Darkening of the area around nipples,
  • Weight gain around 5 kgs,
  • Change in appetite, cravings,
  • Hypersensitivity to smell,
  • Mild edema of both legs.
women's day to remain healthy

On women’s day to remain healthy, share this knowledge with all. Consult the doctor if the mother has symptoms that make it challenging for her to conduct a routine like-

  • Hyperemesis- severe vomiting,
  • Vaginal discharge- bloody or white fluid,
  • Edema rising above the ankle region of both legs,
  • Edema of any other part of the body,
  • Severe tenderness of breast,
  • Discharge from the breast,
  • Pain in the abdomen,
  • Increased cramps in abdomen,
  • Headache,
  • Disturbed sleep,
  • Anxiety,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Intolerance to the smell.

During the period of pregnancy, the fetus’s health depends on the mother’s health. The health of the female is affected by factors in the environment. Thus, the family of the pregnant female should be careful about it.

Post- partum/ Lactation Stage

After the delivery of the child, the next 6 months period is said to be the Postpartum period. This period is an important period for the bonding of mother and baby. During this period there is the development of a child’s immune system, brain development, and physical development. During this stage, the mother feeds her baby. A child’s nutrition is entirely dependent on a mother’s milk. Thus, just feeding the baby is not enough mother’s health is of equal importance. Mother too faces bodily changes too. On Women’s day to remain healthy we want you to know various ailments that need doctor’s attention-

  • Less production of milk
  • Pain in the breast
  • Tenderness in the breast
  • Urine infection
  • Prolong lochia
  • Mood issues
  • Swelling at the anal region,
  • Indigestion.
women's day to remain healthy

Menopausal Stage

This stage is commonly seen in females between the age of 45 years to 55 years. During this period the cycle of the female hormone meets changes. The hormones that are responsible for the feminine features gradually deplete. There is a depletion in the production of eggs from the ovaries. Estrogen produced from the ovaries gradually reduces. Estrogen is essential for various functions like breast development, the strength of the bones and muscles, tightening of the skin, maintaining healthy arteries. This is the last major stage in women’s life. Changes that are commonly noticed-

  • Heat flushes
  • Increased perspiration
  • Fat deposition in the other parts of the body,
  • Dryness of the vagina,
  • Sulking of the breast,
  • Wrinkling of the skin,
  • Cessation of the menstrual cycle
  • Mental well-being.
women's day to remain healthy

When women take care of their health, they become their best friend

Maya Angeiou, Poet.

Homeopathy medicines help Women at every stage of their life. These physiological changes can be managed easily if a woman is in good health. If her immunity is maintained by good nutrition, exercises, and a happy environment. It is important for all of us to be aware of these stages so that we know when to meet a health guide.

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