What Dr. Hahnemann writes about mental disease?

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy writes about the mental disease in his book, Organon of Medicine 6th edition, which is considered as a highwater mark of medical philosophy. Dr. Hahnemann writes about the mental disease in the Aphorism 210-230 of the book.

Dr. Hahnemann classifies disease from its origin- Venereal(Syphilis and Sycosis) and Non-Venereal (Psora). Its description is detailed in his book on Chronic Diseases. If these infections are not treated with a suitable method it impairs the function and sensation of the human body to a too great extent. The treatment method today with large doses of medicines and repeated doses to attain superficial relief or oppose the inflammatory process in disease conditions invite much more serious iatrogenic diseases.

Organon of Medicine (Aphorism 210-230)- Dr. Hahnemann writes about mental disease

Dr. Hahnemann states in aphorism 210 – The mental disease is to be treated similarly as any other corporeal disease (physical disease). Mental diseases do not constitute a disease sharply separate in the person from the so-called corporeal(physical) diseases as there is always alteration in the disposition and mind. In all the diseases as we aim to cure, the symptoms of physical disease and the mental state of disposition of the patient should be noted.

All the so-called mental and emotional diseases are nothing but that which accompany a physical disease but have more amplified representation. The symptoms of the physical disease eg. pain, fever, edema, etc. decline more or less rapidly. The mental and emotional symptoms seem to be the most striking. (Aphorism 215)

Dr. Hahnemann states that it is not rare that the so-called corporeal diseases which we think are only related to physic which threatens to be fatal- transforms into insanity, melancholia, or into mania by an increase of their physical symptoms that were present previously. The so-called corporeal diseases like suppuration of a lobe of the lung, disease of a vital organ, or some other disease of acute character (puerperium) get transformed to puerperal mania, acute confusional insanity.

In the year 1935, Dr. Lewis Bruce‘s in his Lecture talks about ‘Physical symptoms of Acute Confusional Insanity.’ 1) He has described disease with temperature variation with the acute confusional insanity i.e. diseases like apical pneumonia, puerperal fever with the mental state of acute confusional insanity. 2) He spoke also about albuminuria, bacteriuria, and glycosuria that was detected in the cases of acute confusional insanity by pathologists. If one paid attention to the mental symptoms alone in such a condition it would be regarded as a case of acute confusional insanity. One feature of these kidney symptoms was that it was for short time.

Dr. Bruce concluded that in conditions of acute confusional insanity, many functions of the body are disordered. The pathology of the organ disease is the result of long-continued chronic disease and not the result of acute onset disease which is the chief complaint now. A physician in-charge with the knowledge of mental as well as of general medicine to take calls of such cases.

The corporeal disease loses its dander or becomes obscured which can be only detected by an observant physician with perseverance and penetration. The mental disease appears to be the local disease, of which the mental symptoms which were slight become the chief complaint of the patient. As if the gross disease of corporeal organs is transferred to the mental and emotional organs, where anatomist scalpel can never be in utilization. (Aphorism 216) Cure in these cases can be attained by tracing the picture of the corporeal disease along with the state of mind and disposition if the psychical disease has lasted for some time.

If insanity or mania have erupted suddenly as an acute disease, which is also due to chronicity; should be treated by drug for that acute state and then for the whole chronicity. (Aphorism 221)

In cases where mental diseases are not quite developed and we are doubtful whether it has arisen from corporeal disease or fault of education, bad practices, corrupt morals, neglect of mind, fault of education or ignorance. How do we decide? If its reason is the latter one it will diminish and be improved by sensible friendly exhortations, consolatory arguments, serious representations, and sensible advice. But if it has aroused from the corporeal disease it will speedily aggravate by the course. Melancholic would become still more dejected, often querulous, inconsolable, and reserved. The spiteful maniac would thereby become still more intense. Chattering fool would become manifestly more foolish. (Aphorism 224)

Few emotional diseases have not developed out of corporeal diseases. A person lands up into corporeal disease due to long emotional disturbances such as continued anxiety, worry, vexation, wrongs, and frequent occurrences of fright and fear. This type of emotional disease in time impairs physical health to a great degree. (Aphorism 225)

These emotional diseases if recent and yet to have to make changes on the corporeal state can be rapidly changed to a healthy state of mind by a display of confidence, friendly exhortations, sensible advice, and other such means. (Aphorism 226) These emotional disturbances are also due to chronicity which seems to be fine by the above means, should also be treated by an anti-psoric remedy before they make inroads on the corporeal state.

Dr. Hahnemann writes about mental disease and to all homeopaths that if they faithfully trace pictures of the morbid state of the patient with full hard work, and select the appropriate similimum then the most striking improvement is not very long. Patients can be prevented from the large repeated doses of other unsuitable medications.

In the book True Perception of Chronic Diseases by Dr. Rajan D., he has listed several mental disorders that are caused by or associated with infectious agents.

  • Schizophrenia – Bornavirus, Chlamydia Trichomatis, Coxsackie B virus Enterovirus (Neonatal Infection), Influenza virus (Prenatal)
  • OCD – Streptococcus, Borrelia
  • Panic Disorder– Borrelia, Bartonella
  • Depression – Cytomegalovirus, West Nile virus, HIV, Tinea solium, Bornavirus, Borrelia.
  • Bipolar disorder – Bornavirus, Borrelia, Herpes simplex virus.
  • ADHD – Borrelia, streptococcus, HIV, Enterovirus 71, Viral infection during pregnancy, at birth, and early childhood.
Dr. Hahnemann writes about mental disease

Management of mental disease

Dr. Hahnemann says that from his great experience he can confidently assert the vast superiority of homeopathy above all the conceivable methods of treatment.

He has also laid principles about how to treat these mental diseases with homeopathy medicines. He mentioned certain auxiliary mental regimen that physicians should keep into consideration while dealing with patients.

  • To furious mania, physicians should oppose calm intrepidity, cool, and firm resolution.
  • To doleful, querulous lamentation, a mute display of sympathy in looks and gestures.
  • To senseless chattering, a silent and not wholly inattentiveness should be paid. Similarly, he mentions about dealing with bad conduct and conversation of similar character.
  • Also, says the things that can be destructive and cause injury should be put away from the surrounding or reach of the patient.

He says that employment of coercion could be justified, as in the homeopathy system the small doses of appropriate medicine never offend the taste and can be also given to patients without his attention.

He mentions actions that physicians should be cautious about- like an eager explanation, contradiction, rude corrections, or violent use of words. He says that timorous yielding is also not the way it can be managed. Physician and keeper should always pretend to believe them to be possessed of reasons. Nothing soothes their mind, and treatment of violent maniacal and melancholic can take place in an institution specially arranged for their treatment and not with the family circle of patients.

Cases that can be dealt with Homeopathy treatment-

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Panic Attacks
  • Mood Disorder
  • Depression
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Social Phobia
  • Specific Phobia
  • Dementia

In the year 1800s, treatment for mentally ill patients was very grievous and torturous. Dr. Hahnemann had disgust for the method of treatment during his time. He treated the first case of Mental disease at Leipzig after he discovered the law of similars to cure with a gentle method.


According to WHO, 1 in 4 people is affected by mental or neurological issues at some point in their lives. Mental disorders are among the leading cause of ill-health and disability worldwide.

Know more about homeopathy and why you should reach out to a homeopath.

13 Replies to “What Dr. Hahnemann writes about mental disease?”

  1. Awesome and quite authentic post about mental disease which is actually helpful for Homeopathic students. Do take a look all of you!

  2. Depression – a topic, that needs open discussion today in India. Todaysโ€™ youth is really going through it but not able to talk because parentโ€™s are not much aware of it or Society donโ€™t accept it as danger.

  3. Beautifully explained in very simple way. As usually for students Aphorisms are difficult to understand, but this article makes it very simple.

  4. Good information which explain perfectly, recently in panedemic situation so many people feel depressed, this information helps a lot. ??

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