What are the reasons to not believe in Homeopathy? Because it has no adverse effects? Because you don’t find material dose in medicine? Because medicines are cheap? Because few claim it to be pseudo-scientific? Not many take homeopathy around you? Because of the detailed assessment? Is it because they say it is based on principles and law but you are unaware of it? What are your reasons for blindly trusting these myths and rumors without being aware of actual literature and studies and staying away from health?
Patient result outcome confirms-
Relief in the case of Homeopathy treatment starts with the recovery of physical general symptoms like appetite, sleep, energy level, etc. When a person is about to fall ill these general conditions are first to be affected, these are controlled by the higher centers in the brain. Thus, restoration in these physical general conditions are indicators of the general feeling of the well-being of a person.
The homeopathy system of medicine has unseen incidences of adverse effects due to medicine as the quantity of medicine is minimal. Homeopathy does have its scope and limitations which differ in every case and can be evaluated after detailed case history and physical examination. Mostly in cases of surgical interventions medicine can benefit in the improvement of the general condition of the patient and can do least when the mechanical interventions are required eg. removal of staghorn calculi, joining the broken ends of the bone, laceration of the major arteries, etc. Homeopathy improves the functioning of the body, mind, and treatment with Homeopathy boosts immunity naturally, medicines act over the higher center of the diseased. Homeopathic medicines are made by natural processes without any chemical formulation.
People consuming homeopathy medicines are themselves testimony to the system of homeopathy system and are responsible for the spread of homeopathy worldwide which has made it the world’s second-largest system of therapeutics. Know why you should reach out homeopathy doctor! Know more if you should believe in Homeopathy!
Homeopathy was founded 224 years ago. In the year 1796, Dr. Hahnemann first time revealed to the world his discovery of the law of similar.
He wrote the article, “Essay on a New Principle for Ascertaining the Curative Power of Drugs” in the Hufeland’s Journal, Vol 2 Parts 3 and 4.
How did it start? Dr. Hahnemann was translating Cullen’s Materia Medica in the year 1789, where Cullen attributed the medicinal property of Cinchona bark because of its tonic effect on the stomach. Dr. Hahneamnn was not satisfied with the explanation and started to experiment on himself.
Dr. Hahnemann did Experimental research– clinical trials on himself. He started taking 4 drachms of Cinchona twice daily. He started to developed symptoms like intermittent fever, the coldness of tips of fingertips and feet, drowsiness, palpitations, pulse becoming hard and quick with anxiety and trembling, prostration, etc. He would get these symptoms as he would take the Cinchona. By experimenting, he concluded that- Peruvian bark which was used as a remedy for Intermittent fever, acts because it can produce symptoms similar to those in healthy people.
Similarly, he tested many drugs whose actions were mentioned for specific conditions on himself, relatives, and friends. By his experimentation, he arrived at conclusions, firstly, the physiological effect of cinchona bark and that its effect on a healthy person is the same as symptoms of malaria for which it was used.
Dr. Hahnemann noted down all his findings but had not yet treated any sick. After reading his article which quoted gentle treatment for the insane, he was referred to an asylum where he stayed for 2 weeks, gave the medicine, and the patient was cured. During the 1700s the aim of treatment of mental illnesses was not to cure but to segregate mentally ill patients from society and the treatment methods were like nurses jumping on the patients, patients being put in cold bathtubs till they become senseless, patients hit by broom, etc. Dr. Hahnemann could treat the case in Koningslutter gently by Homeopathy medicine.
Further in Leipzig, from 1811 to 1821 he started teaching his doctrines to students and doctors. He was always discontented with the method of treatment during those days like bloodletting, venesection, drilling in the head, hunger diet, etc. which would anyway leave a patient in no sensation and reaction. Favorable result outcome made him believe in Homeopathy and his research studies.
Dr. Hahnemann asked for the privilege of delivering lectures at the University. He was permitted after his thesis was accepted, and then he would teach the theory and principles of Homeopathy. Hahnemann started to write Materia Medica Pura and Organon of Medicine. He had to leave Leipzig because of opposition by apothecaries (a person who prepared and sold medicines and drugs) because Dr. Hahnemann himself would dispense medicines, made by himself.
This is how rational science and art took birth because of the dissatisfaction in the harsh method of treatment and curiosity towards gentler healing of mankind. The homeopathy branch of healing is a natural medicine-based science.
Laws of the Homeopathy system
After the experimentation, there was the discovery of various laws which is the basis of Homeopathy for treatment-
- Law of Similia- Like cures like
- Law of Simplex
- Law of a minimum dose
- Doctrine of Drug Proving
- Theory of Chronic Disease
- Theory of Vital Force
- Doctrine of Drug Dynamisation
A weaker dynamic affection is permanently extinguished in the living organism by the stronger one, if the latter (whilst differing in kind) is very similar to the former in its manifestation.- Nature’s law of cure
Aphorism 26, Organon of Medicine, 6th edition.
What is different about Homeopathy Medicines?
The method of preparation of medicines involves the process called Potentisation. Dr.Hahnemann writes about it in the book Organon of Medicine, 6th edition. Potentisation involves the process of succussion and trituration. This frictional process liberates the pharmacodynamic property of the drug with an inert vehicle substance (sac lac). It is not simply dilution and attenuation of the substance. Friction leads to the liberation of energy and the product is potencies in different degrees. Is there any measure to detect changes in the energy that is occurring during this process? You must be knowing the experiment of the comb when rubbed between hair gets charged and attracts the paper. The friction cause conversion of the energy.
The homoeopathic system of medicine develops for its special use, to a hitherto unheard-of degree, the inner medicinal powers of the crude substances by means of a process peculiar to it and which has hitherto never been tried, whereby only they all become immeasurably and penetratingly efficacious (FN 146) and remedial, even those that in the crude state give no evidence of the slightest medicinal power on the human body.
This remarkable change in the qualities of natural bodies develops the latent, hitherto unperceived, as if slumbering(FN 147) hidden, dynamic (ยง 11) powers which influence the life principle, change the well-being of animal life.(FN 148) This is effected by mechanical action upon their smallest particles by means of rubbing and shaking and through the addition of an indifferent substance, dry of fluid, are separated from each other. This process is called dynamizing, potentizing (development of medicinal power) and the products are dynamizations4 or potencies in different degrees.
Aphorism 269, Organon of Medicine, 6th edition.
Journey to become Homeopath- Presently
It takes 6 years in all to become a Homeopath. The study of the syllabus includes subjects- Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Surgery, Medicine, etc., and also the Homeopathy subjects- Organon of Medicine(Philosophy), Materia Medica (Therapeutic), Repertory (Tool), etc.
The clinical aspect starts from the second year until the Internship ending with both IPD and OPD training.
Every patient’s case history starts from the appointment, case history, evaluating the diagnosis, advising investigations if required, prescribing, and advising auxiliary regimen. Follow-ups of the patient are essential, for further management and evaluation. Given a thought over whether you should believe in Homeopathy or not, make sure to consult a good physician.
?? Very well explained!!
Thank you for your review!:)
A Proper & Brief guide in a well explained manner !!! ???
Thank you Max!