
Postpartum Truth about Motherhood

You may wonder what it is about being a mother, it’s a woman’s journey. Yes! it is for sure. Women are generous enough to accept it but not talk about it as she has been enduring it through ages as part of their being. Does it mean she should not get pregnant, No! Motherhood is a course/degree of life that has to be on the syllabus of every human. Be it of any social background, anywhere in the world, having any degree or no education, belonging to a higher class, or below the poverty line. Postpartum truth about motherhood/process of pregnancy should be educated to those mindful about bringing a human into this world. Awareness can make things easy for the mother and the newborn. There is something nobody talks about, giving birth involves the mental strength of one appearing for a competitive exam and the physical strength of the mountaineer. A mother’s mind has to suddenly transition itself to being a caregiver. The postpartum truth about motherhood can only be experienced by a mother, judged and opinionated by all. This article attempts to make people aware of the postpartum truth about motherhood which is the fulfilling and blissful journey that has the other side that needs to be talked about, which can make or break the health of any mother, wife, or sister.

Postpartum truth about motherhood

Postpartum is a period that is estimated to begin after childbirth and end in 6-8 weeks (article on uterus), clinically as the uterus takes about 6-8 weeks in the majority to return to pre-pregnancy size. Postpartum is caring about the mother rather than the child only. An optimal level of health care and familial support is much required for mother and baby’s short-term and long-term well-being. Several clinic visits and a proficient support system around the new mother can take care of her mental and physical health. There is a need for counseling and awareness among parents and family members about antenatal and post-natal care. Pregnancy, childbirth, post-partum, and childcare are the important aspects of life for which you need equivalent planning similar to any life goals like career, etc. It starts with from

  • Family planning
  • Conceiving
  • Pregnancy care
  • Delivery
  • Postpartum- Nutrition and care of mother and baby
  • Complimentary nutrition of baby – traditional weaning or Baby-led weaning
  • Lactation and weaning.

Education and awareness on such a topic can help parents plan on it beforehand as they have to deal with it down the line. Parenting style and parents’ decisions must be logical and supported by the members.

The postpartum period is the most challenging phase when there is a SUDDEN shift in parent’s lives. During this phase, a woman needs the most help not in handling the baby, but more in managing the household. This is the most crucial phase in the life of a new mother and a baby. Woman experience changes in their lifestyles, physiques, thoughts, interpersonal relations, and work lives. These sudden changes can affect their health if they lack optimal support from their partners, family members, relatives, and friends.

From the Mothers’s viewpoint- Don’t blame the hormones

postpartum truth about motherhood

No mother is prepared for the physical and mental challenges she faces after childbirth. Mother is far from what she was and circumstances are much more advanced as she is majorly responsible for her baby. It is important to provide a positive atmosphere at home and the practices of customs and cultures of the society should be in her comfort. A lot is going on within the mother’s body irrespective of the mode of delivery method. Postpartum is a delicate phase as her physical self is transformed totally and mentally she is always in alert and driven mode. Mother’s sleep is affected which is the primely necessary for body organs to function hormoniously. Also, blaming the hormones only for what a mother feels during the postpartum can be injudicious if she is not provided an ideal atmosphere for her recovery. The mother’s role is to understand the basic instincts of her baby like hunger, sleep, temperature regulation, discomfort, etc. during these initial months after giving birth.

From other’s viewpoint- Postpartum truth about motherhood

Society wants a mother to be back on herself as soon as possible, giving birth is considered to be a trivial job of a woman. Well, it may take a few months or a year for a woman to be herself or even more. 9 months for a body to be a home for a human and getting back to the old self physically and mentally is impossible. Mother is expected to take care of the baby in a way opinionated by others and not the way she feels right for her mental and physical peace. To others taking care of mother and child both is important. Mothers do their best for their babies so it is incorrect to judge their parenting style. A healthy and happy mother raises a healthy and happy child. To others’ knowledge, it takes 8-9 months for the surgical wound to heal in case of C-section. Avoid expecting her to be well dressed, comb her hair, wake up to cook and clean, be tidy, and greet guests while she prioritizes her baby’s needs.

postpartum truth about motherhood
Talks and discussions about postpartum worlwide

The duration of postpartum care in various countries is different– Even though there is a limited period of exclusive caretaking of a mother, it is best to trust her instinct about her healing and recovery.

  • The Netherlands and Belgium, have 49 average hours of help from kraamverzorgende, or home maternity nurse, covered by insurance. They are available up to 10 days after birth to assist with everything from breastfeeding to laundry.
  • Switzerland- a midwife is available for home visits covered by insurance comp for 56 days after the delivery,
  • In China, 1 month of complete rest is advisable called zuo yue zi, which means sitting for a month,
  • In Latin America, the mother is advised to rest for 40 days known as la cuarentenna
  • In Japan- for 8 weeks mother stays at her own parents’ home after birth under their mother’s care known as satogaeri bunben, many arrive before delivery in 3rd trimester.
  • In Malaysia to increase circulation and promote the overall healing of the mother, midwives are available for massage for a few days.

Mental Health- depression and anxiety

Postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety are common psychological conditions in women after delivery. More than half of the cases go undiagnosed due to a lack of knowledge about the medical condition.

Breastfeeding benefits/ Lactation

One Reply to “Postpartum Truth about Motherhood”

  1. It’s very small topic for others but for women it’s a life lessons which noone guide her thanks for information

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