homeopathy treatment for painful corn

Homeopathy treatment for painful Corn

“Never underestimate the value of small things”- is what I heard of recently. What is your viewpoint? Sometimes small things that pretend to be a tiny rack turn out to be the cause of our everyday trouble. Skin complains of Corn pretends to be the one, but if painful we try to scrap it off. There is a gentler way to the inroads towards a cure when you find a correct similimum (remedy). Homeopathy treatment for painful corn can save you from wasting your resources and allow you to comfortably start with your routine at the earliest. The corn can turn out to be more troublesome if it arises one after the other, even though on our feet but can’t be ignored. If any part of the person is in pain the whole system suffers not just the limb.

Homeopathy treatment for Painful Corn- Case summary

Homeopathy treatment for painful corn

A 17-year-old boy, suddenly puzzled about his feet showing multiple bumps of hardened skin layers. His inquisitiveness made him count the numbers which went to 13 before starting on Homeopathy treatment. The family went for the most known treatment method i.e corn tapes, removal of corn. Undergoing the knife left the problem unsolved and added a wound that was left unhealed for more than a week. The known treatment process did not prevent other bumps from the explosion. Worried about 13 such unhealed wounds left his parents were confused and in an anticipatory state.

The patient complained about the difficulty in walking due to the wound and painful corns on his foot. The anxiety about his complaints made him follow up frequently. After starting with homeopathy medicines, the process of the cure was beautiful witnessed by us. It made us believe that medicine given internally can cure skin complaints without topical treatment. The skin around the area gradually started to peel and naturally smoothening. Dr. Hahnemann in his theories has mentioned aphorism dedicated to skin treatment in the book Organon of Medicine, 6th edition. He writes, that the skin conditions that are not due to any external injury are due to internal disease conditions. Having multiple corns is likely due to chronic disease, and not simply due to friction.

homeopathy treatment for painful corn

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