Tattva Homoeocare | Homeopathy Clinic In Borivali

Tattva Homeocare a homeopathy clinic in Borivali that works on the essential elements of the life of every individual. We believe in the unique concept of ‘Individualization’ and treating ‘Holistically’. As a person is born there are few essential elements that if ignored can cost health. We aim to make aware and take utmost care of these elements of every patient and treat them holistically. 

The elements of our living that need our consciousness are the food we eat, our physical body, and our mental health. Tattva Homeocare has proven to be an integral part of the life of many. Our various health measures are based on providing you with recovery at the level of mind and body both.

Dr. Hemangi Mishra

Dr. Hemangi Mishra is always keen on treating patients with compassion and priority. Her expertise in various aspects of health management and holistic care helps Tattva Homoeocare establish lifelong connectedness with the patients. She has completed her Bachelors in Homeopathy from a renowned college in Asia, from Mumbai. She resolutely completed her Postgraduate MD in Medicine from Vamanrao Ithape Homeopathic College and Hospital, Sangamner. Has worked with various doctors who are the epitome in the field of Homeopathy. Has completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Emergency Medical Services (PGDEMS) with an internship at Hinduja Hospital, Matunga. She is also certified as a ‘Diabetes Educator’. Her distinctive quality of listening to every patient, helping them to lead a qualitative lifestyle, and achieving optimal health has kept Tattva Homoeocare to keep progressing.

Homeopathy Clinic in Borivali


At Tattva Homoeocare, we help our patients to achieve health goals by treating them with Homoeopathy. Homeopathy is based on the universal law of cure so it has only a beneficial effect on a person’s health. We provide treatment for chronic and acute diseases like- Joint complaints, Spine problems, Gastric troubles, Skin diseases, Respiratory diseases, Thyroid problems, Urinary diseases, Lifestyle diseases like hypertension, diabetes, obesity, autoimmune disease, Female, Male and Pediatric complaints. Along with Homeopathy treatment, we wholly guide our patients for sustainable lifestyle habits to live long and happily.

Lifestyle Medicine

This branch of study has recently gained much attention. Every individual has a unique style of living their life. Thus, every person requires customized correction in their unhealthy way of living to attain optimal health. The lifestyle of a person comprises various aspects that impact the person’s health. The habits that the person adapts while growing up are shaped by various factors like people around, life circumstances, and a person’s own nature. Alteration in these habits has a major impact on the person’s health. At Tattva Homoeocare, we guide our patients to live happily with an appropriate healthy lifestyle.


At Tattva Homoeocare we guide our patients by appropriate yoga exercises for their ailment. Yoga practice is integral for sustaining a healthy mind and body. The practice of yoga keeps you connected with your own body function. It connects your body with the conscious mind. It helps you be more aware of any disturbance or changes happening in your body. This awareness helps you to approach a health mentor or doctor on time. We help our patients inculcate it as a habit gradually step by step. Tattva Homoeocare, the homeopathy clinic in Borivali also conducts yoga sessions every morning or check out our YouTube channel.

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Patient's Reviews

There was a sudden episode of bleeding at night while passing stool. I immediately contacted Dr. Hemangi, after starting with the treatment, the bleeding episode and pain got reduced. Before that I had also tried allopathy and doctor had advised for Fissure treatment surgery but all thanks to Dr. Hemangi because of which it got treated with medicines and no surgery was required. She was always there to support and counsel me and it means a lot.
Mrs. S
29 Years
I have been consulting Dr. Hemangi for myself and my family since last 3 years, her medicines have worked wonder for myself and our family. I would like to thank her for all her help and would definitely recommend Dr. Hemangi and her homeopathy clinic Tattva Homoeocare for all.
Mr. B
31 Years

We can restore your Health! Schedule your Appointment.

Tattva Homoeocare
Homeopathy can treat any type of Disease!

Tattva Homoeocare is based out of Mumbai, India. We deal with everything related to Yoga, Homeopathy, Food habits, wellness and holistic way of treatment. The solemn aim of Tattva Homeocare is to make people aware of the principle elements of the life and to provide service with the aim of restoration of their health.

Yes, we provide treatment for all chronic diseases like hypertension, arthritis, joint pains, diabetes, etc., and acute diseases like fever, diarrhea, cold, and cough. These diseases are due to any stressful life events like physical illness or often excited after mental stress. Homeopathy medicine is different for all individuals. Homeopathy prescription is based on an individual person’s habits and circumstances from childhood. It depends on the diseases an individual person has suffered from the early age of life. We at Tattva Homoeocare focus on the diseased part of treatment along with it to provide healthy ways to sustain your health.

Yes! Homeopathy medicine does cure allergies. Allergies were once a common ailment in western countries but cases have risen in eastern countries too. Due to changing lifestyle and food habits, there is a rise in conditions like allergic rhinitis, allergic skin diseases, allergic dermatitis, Eczema, Allergic bronchitis, Urticaria, etc. The common presentation of these conditions is redness of the part, itching, maculopapular eruptions, running nose, sneezing, etc. Allergy cases are found in the young age group in today’s time. If it is not given attention or treated with heavy doses of medicines often results in Eczema, Asthma. At Tattva Homoeocare we provide treatment for all types of allergies.

No, homeopathy medicines do not have any side effects. Homeopathy medicine doses and quantity depend on every individual case. It is based on the extent of the disease and the person’s vitality. Homeopathy is based on the principle of the minimum quantity of medicine, quantity enough to allow your body to restore its healthy functioning. Thus, cases of side effects by homeopathy medicines are rare as the quantity of medicine given only as much as required for your recovery. Medicines act to restore the functioning of the dis-eased part of the human body. It does not show any adverse effects on the other part or organ. Medicines are made of natural components derived from substances found in nature.

Yes! Homeopathy medicines act on the mind and physical body. We have noticed that stressors in the lifetime of patients are often the exciter of their physical complaints. Patients suffering from physical illness also have a shift in their mental well-being. In cases with predominant symptoms of mental disturbances like Bipolar disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Anxiety disorder like generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, Phobias, Depression, Personality disorder, etc. there is a good scope of recovery seen. Medicines act both at the level of mind and body. It does not lead to adverse effects like drowsiness, dullness, or sleepiness. At Tattva Homoeocare, we provide treatment for minor to major ailments of mind and body disturbances.

Tattva Homoeocare

Be it any kind of Disease, Tattva Homoeocare takes a pledge to provide you with all the necessary treatment and to serve the society better.

Working hours

Monday- Saturday: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
*Sunday On appointment basis

We are here

29, Goyal Trade Centre, Shantivan, Borivali East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400066