Arsenic alb benefit in pandemic

Did Arsenic alb benefit in Pandemic?

The pandemic of covid19 lead to sudden panic among people due to the coronavirus, which even turned out to be fatal in the population with low vitality. All are trying their way best to manage the situation with their expertise. Suddenly there was a surge of distribution of Homeopathic medicine ‘Arsenic Alb 30’ in the pandemic. Many flyers claimed it to be Ayurvedic medicine!! Few even said that it is the only cure to Corona Pandemic and was distributed freely!! To build the immune system people even took the medicine without giving much importance to the consultation protocol. Few bought it directly from the pharmacy. Did Arsenic alb benefit in the pandemic?

Homeopathy is a practice of science and art. There are fundamental principles on which it is practiced, its pharmacology is based on drug proving, its medicines are made by a process that liberates energy latent in the crude substance. Dr. Hahnemann communicates the criteria to deal with diseases of acute and chronic origin in his book Organon of Medicine, 6th edition. He has also put forward details about case taking in diverse conditions.

Arsenic alb benefit in Pandemic- What Dr. Hahnemann says about it!

In Organon of Medicine, 6th edition Dr. Hahnemann writes about the importance of investigation of the symptoms in cases of the epidemic (Aphorism 100) and sporadic diseases. He says that it is of lesser importance whether anything similar has ever appeared in the world under the same or any other name.

The newness of the disease or peculiarity of the disease of the kind should make no difference in the mode of examination or treatment of the disease. A physician should be unprejudiced (aphorism 6) in tracing the symptoms of the disease as if it was new and unknown. He should investigate every case thoroughly never substitute guesses for actual observation, careful examination will show that every prevailing disease in its phenomenon is unique differing vastly from previous epidemics.

Dr. Hahnemann points out that only after investigation of several cases physician should come up with a remedy, in fact, he will come up to the most similar one after as he goes on examining several cases.

He says that the physician should listen to any minute details of the circumstances of the patient and not rush to write the prescription or prescribe vaguely without knowing the true effects. Noting down the symptoms is important so that if the patient visits him again he can recollect his symptoms, as in the meantime he had seen many cases. Otherwise, he would hear the symptoms again superficially and write another prescription or give the same prescription and rush to the next patient in a thoughtless way. He emphasized conscientious and careful examination of the state of each patient and special treatment given to them which is he calls the rational method of practice. Otherwise, the result of the treatment will be bad, and yet the patient had to go to such practitioners for advice because there were none better to be had or just because of the popularity of such a method of treatment.

Dr. Hahnemann talks about the rational method of practice. He further adds on about criteria to follow up in such cases.

Arsenic alb benefit in Pandemic

Does Homeopathic medicine increase your immunity?

Homeopathy medicine Arsenic alb became a hero in the time of the corona pandemic. It was randomly distributed to increase immunity without following the guidelines in the literature by Dr. Hahnemann. Does homeopathy medicine increase the immunity of the person?

Homeopathy medicine does not have any adverse reaction on the body that is it does not disturb the normal functioning of any other organ. It is based on the universal law of cure- thus it does not resist any other natural functioning of the body. Its medicines are derived from nature and thus its treatment is a form of boosting immunity naturally. Homeopathy medicine restores the normal functioning of the part affected. It helps in the harmonious functioning of the systems. According to Dr.Hahnemann medicine acts at the level of energy and improves the general condition of the person.

Medicines act only if the symptoms in the therapeutics book are similar to the symptoms of the disease reflected in a person. To find appropriate similar remedy physicians have to take your proper case history, to come to a kind of condition through symptoms and signs, then repertories the symptoms and differentiate the remedy from other drugs in the list. After the process physician comes up with the most similar remedy that matches the disease signs and symptoms. Did the distribution of Arsenic alb benefit in Pandemic?

Arsenic alb benefit in Pandemic

Present scenario

Many believed Arsenic alb benefited during the Pandemic because homeopathy medicine helps the functioning of the immunity without case investigation. There were numerous incidences noted where Homeopathic medicine Arsenic alb did not benefit wholly because doses were not regulated according to the individual case. Many took it to enhance their immunity along with proper dietary regimens and social distancing.

Dr. Hahnemann emphasized proper examination and investigation of every case, but the panic of corona made people fall prey to the vague distribution of the medicines to improve their immunity and strength. Distributions of medicine lacked case investigations, careful examination, and follow-up assessments in multiple cases. Distribution of Arsenic alb in pandemic heads to a false understanding of the functioning of the homeopathic system of medicine among the mass of the population. Many thought that it can be taken without proper study and investigation.

Dr. Hahnemann wrote about his experience in the case of management of epidemics and even gave the protocol, which was followed truly by very few practitioners.

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