chaotic mess of mental noise

Chaotic Mess of Mental Noise

In this life of an individual journey, you meet people of all temperaments and nature. The duration of their being in our lives determines their impact on us. We may encounter a few, with whom we have to deal without our choice. We may meet a few, whom we overlook. What keeps you at ease is your priority and awareness of your own self. The chaotic mess of mental noise is usually at home, the workplace, and the surrounding. People protect themselves from pollution, viruses, bad habits of drugs or smoking, bad dietary habits, and irregular lifestyles. It is difficult to protect ourselves from the minds that affect our minds, will, and emotions. The former may affect a person if exposed for a long time, but people around leave an impression even in a moment. It is important to protect your mental state from the chaotic mess of mental noise.

What is a chaotic mess of mental noise?

What does mental noise mean? Noise is that which does not soothe you, makes you feel uncomfortable, and makes you want to distance yourself from it. Mental noise is what plays in a person’s mind which troubles them and makes them suffer from mental disorders. It affects the associates and people around them too. It is vital for a person to identify their own state of mind and the state of mind of the people around them. Mental illness is a global health issue, as per WHO, 1 in every 8 people is suffering from mental health issues. It is crucial to identify any physical illness, addiction, or physical disability. Similarly, a person should have an understanding of abnormal mental health. There are ways to prevent and treat them through medications and counseling.

Why is it important to know about mental illness?

Mental health issues comes up often on social media community, as rising cases of crime, violence, suicide, and depression. As per WHO, suicide is the fourth leading cause of death. The mind of a person is difficult to understand in people with mental disorders. The person is crowded by certain thoughts and beliefs, that affect them physically and are observed by others by their behavior and expressions. The easy ways to identify people with mental instability-

  • Asociality- A person has their own reason for not socializing
  • Lack of focus and concentration
  • Remarkable fear, and worries.
  • Disturbed emotional states like anger, grief, jealousy, sadness, joy, etc.
  • Constant changeability in the mood of person.
  • Disturbance related to physical generals like appetite, sleep, energy level.
  • Delusions like of neglection, grandeur, persecution, and many more.
  • Inability to judge the behavioral actions of their own which is socially unacceptable, and distressing.
  • Person who does not take responsibility for their mood, emotions and livelihood.
  • Unable to manage daily stress and work.

The disturbed mental state of a person not only has an effect on their mind and body but also affects people around them.

What is healthy mind and deviation from it seem?

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